1. What is your name and what do you do in the industry?

My name is John Blois (The Mighty Jabs) and I perform as an MC in a group called Bay Side Wreckers with DJ Bobby Digital.

2. How long have you been doing it?

We have been performing for 5 years, but I have been rapping since the age of 12 (16 years) and taking it seriously for about 10 years.

3. How Many CDs have you released?

We have put out several releases for free download online, but only 3 of them have been available on CD, with us releasing them ourselves independently.

4. Do you find it hard to get people to attend shows that you put on?

We have in the past when we have too many shows too close together or we don’t promote it enough.

5. Why do you think this is?

It’s important to space shows out to make it more of an event than “just another show” as most of our “fans” are really just friends supporting us.
If people have seen what you can do then they dont think they’re missing out of you’re doing the same thing again. Plus being in Sydney means there’s alot of competition in terms of other things people can do instead of attending your show.

6. Do you have any possible solutions in encouraging more people to attend shows in Sydney?

Try and play to different audiences to attract a following in different circles. Also do shows with different bands as much as possible because the networking exposes you to different fans and that’ll grow yours.

7. Do you have any plans for the near future in regards to your music?

Yes we’re puttin out an EP entitled BAY SIDE in coming months along with a video accompaniment for it. Our 5 year anniversary show is in a couple of weeks, after which we’re launching a crowd funding project to raise funds for the release of the EP and some merch, which will be interesting.